
you can now talk to me (leah clark) using a computer

if you actually want a response

just send me an email. my address is the domain of this website if you replace the first dot with an at symbol.


lil notice i'm taking an extended break from these because they were making me go insane. follow my extremely active blog for updates from me!!

show em anyway

i use these for a normal amount of time. response times will vary wildly depending on my mental state.

these are slowly being repurposed as places where i syndicate my blog

  • mastodon
  • tumblr
  • cohost? sure. i used to have @leah on here but i deleted it on account of some questionable moderation decisions and then found out they had immediately reversed them. yes i'm still mad about that. update: revenge
  • doesn't really count but i'm @benfoldsofficial on discord. you should join our cool server
  • bluesky. i don't use this one much.

computer websites

as someone who often computes, i have accounts on many websites dedicated to going on the computer.